July 7 |
8:30-8:50 Opening Remarks |
8:50-10:50 Oral Session 1 |
08:50-09:50 |
Keynote Lecture |
Cheong,Sang-Wook |
Multiferroic vortices: materials science, particle physics, and cosmology |
09:50-10:50 |
Keynote Lecture |
Kalinin, Sergei |
Imaging and spectroscopy in PFM |
11:05-12:15 Oral Session 2 |
11:05-11:30 |
Invited Lecture |
Valanoor, Nagarajian |
Nanoscale Domain Wall Phenomena in Epitaxial Bismuth Ferrite Thin Films |
11:30-11:55 |
Invited Lecture |
Proksch, Roger |
When Hysteresis Isn't Hysteresis |
11:55-12:15 |
Invited Lecture |
Marincel, Dan |
Piezoelectric Nonlinearity near Single Grain Boundaries in Thin Film Ferroelectrics |
13:20-14:00 Poster session and lab demo |
14:00-15:50 Oral Session 3 |
14:00-15:00 |
Keynote Lecture |
Gruverman, Alexei |
Nanoscale Switching Behavior and Electronic Properties of Ultrathin Ferroelectric Structures |
15:00-15:25 |
Invited Lecture |
Chu, Yinghao |
Electrical Modulation of the Local Conduction at BiFeO3-CoFe2O4 Tubular Oxide Interface |
15:25-15:50 |
Invited Lecture |
Zeng, Kaiyang |
NanoscaleBiopiezoelectric and Bioferroelectric Properties of Mollusk Shells Studied By Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques |
16:05-18:15 Oral Session 4 |
16:05-17:05 |
Keynote Lecture |
Pan, Xiaoqing |
Probing the Structure and Dynamics of Ferroelectric Domain Walls with Atomic Resolution |
17:05-17:30 |
Invited Lecture |
Li, Jingfeng |
Comprehensive Investigation of Morphotropic Phase Boundary in PZT/SrTiO3 Epitaxial Films |
17:30-17:55 |
Invited Lecture |
Wu, Di |
Enhanced electroresistance and memristive behavior in metal/ferroelectric/semiconductor tunnel junctions |
17:55-18:15 |
Invited Lecture |
Sun, Wanxin
To be determined |
July 8 |
8:00-10:15 Oral Session 5 |
08:00-09:00 |
Keynote Lecture |
Kholkin, Andrei |
Nanoscale Phenomena in Novel Biopiezoelectrics and Bioferroelectrics |
09:00-09:25 |
Invited Lecture |
Zhou, Yichun |
The domain switching properties in layered perovsike ferroelectric films and MFIS structure studied by piezoresponse force microscopy |
09:25-09:50 |
Invited Lecture |
Qiao, Lijie |
Environmental Effects on BaTiO3 Polarization Dynamics Characterized by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy |
09:50-10:15 |
Invited Lecture |
Dai, Jiyan |
Surface Modulation and Photoconductivity at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 2DEG |
10:30-12:05 Oral Session 6 |
10:30-10:55 |
Invited Lecture |
Jiang, Anquan |
Thicknessdependence of unilateral and bilateral resistive switching in BiFeO3 thin films |
10:55-11:20 |
Invited Lecture |
Zheng, Xuejun |
Thresholds of PolydomainSwitchings of Ferroelectric Thin Films under Different External Fields |
11:20-11:45 |
Invited Lecture |
Wang, Junling |
Polarization Fatigue and Non-destructive Readout of Ferroelectric Memory |
11:45-12:05 |
Invited Lecture |
Tian, Mingwen |
Multifunctional SPM systems by NT-MDT |
13:30-16:05 Oral Session 7 |
13:30-14:10 |
Keynote Lecture |
Zhu, Shining |
Ferroelectric domain engineering for laser technology and nonlinear photonics |
14:10-14:35 |
Invited Lecture |
Li, Guorong |
The Origin of High Dielectric,Piezoelectric and Electro-Optic Properties of PMN-PT Ferroelectric relaxor Ceramics |
14:35-15:00 |
Invited Lecture |
Li, Faxin |
Nanoscale multi-property mapping of materials using PFM and atomic force acoustic microscopy |
15:00-15:25 |
Invited Lecture |
Zeng, Huarong |
Scanning thermoelectric microscopy characterization of thermoelectric thin films |
15:25-15:45 |
Invited Lecture |
Evans, Joseph T. |
Measuring Absolute Angstrom-level Displacement of Piezoelectric Thin Films and piezoMEMs |
15:45-16:05 |
Invited Lecture |
Wang, Leo |
Piezoresponse Force Microscopy on BiFeO3 and PbTiO3 thin films in UHV using the Omicron VT AFM |
16:20-18:00 Oral Session 8 |
16:20-16:40 |
Invited Lecture |
Xiong, Rengen |
Molecule-based Ferroelectrics |
16:40-17:00 |
Invited Lecture |
Guo, Dong |
Crystallization behaviours and structural evolution of ultrathin P(VDF-TrFE) films and their influence on the ferroelectric size effect |
17:00-17:20 |
Invited Lecture |
Yuan, Guoliang |
Ferroelectric domain evolution of provskite ferroelectric ceramics on electric field |
17:20-17:40 |
Invited Lecture |
Li, Jiangyu |
High Sensitivity Piezomagnetic Force Microscopy for Quantitative Probing of Magnetic Materials at the Nanoscale |
17:40-18:00 |
Invited Lecture |
Lu, Xiaomei |
Ferroelectric domain switching in polycrystalline BiFeO3 films |
18:00-18:20 Closing Remarks |