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Marin Alexe

Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics

E-mail : malexe@mpi-halle.de

Dr. Marin Alexe is interest in Nanoscience & nanotechnology, ferroelectric nanostructures and ultra-thin films, Nanoengineering of functional oxides, Physics and engineering of complex oxide thin films and nanostructures and Non-volatile information storage technologies
Dawn Bonnell

University of Pennsylvania

E-mail : bonnell@lrsm.upenn.edu

Dawn explores the fundamental basis of property variations at atomic scales in complex materials, exploiting these variations to make functional systems. The Bonnell Group images and manipulates atoms and molecules using scanning probes, and develops new tools for examining behavior at these scales.
nophoto Helen Chan
(Hongkong, China)

The Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity

E-mail : apahlcha@inet.polyu.edu.hk

nophoto Alexei Gruverman

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

E-mail : agruverman2@unl.edu

His group research is focused on fundamental studies of nanoscale physical phenomena in electronic and polar materials by means of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques. More specifically, research involves application of SPM for nanoscale studies of static and dynamic properties of ferroic domains.
Sergei V. Kalinin

Oak Ridge Natioanl Laboratory

E-mail : sergei2@ornl.gov


Dr. Sergei V. Kalinin is interest in Scanning Probe Microscopy started as graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania, working on electromechanical and Kelvin probe imaging of ferroelectric materials and transport phenomena in polycrystalline oxides and carbon nanotubes.
Andrei Kholkin

University of Averiro

E-mail: kholkin@cv.ua.pt

Dr. Kholkin’s research interests are in the area of materials science of ferroelectrics: thin films, single crystals and ceramics. His study is mainly devoted to materials for piezoelectric devices, degradation effects, and, recently, to nanoscale characterization by Scanning Probe Microscopy techniques.
Kenji Kitamura

Materials Nanoarchitectonics

National Institute for Materials Science

Kenji Kitamura’s work is centered on the development of crystal growth methods to improve the optical quality of single crystals and the characterization of optical properties related to intrinsic and extrinsic defects in crystals.
NOphoto Susan Trolier-Mckinstry

Pennsylvania State University

E-mail : STMcKinstry@psu.edu

Professor Trolier-McKinstry's research interests are centered around structure-processing-property relationships in electroceramics. This includes work on dielectric and plezoelectric thin films, texture development in plezoelectric ceramic, and spectroscopic ellipsometry.
nophots Cewen Nan

Tsinghua University

E-mail : cwnan@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn



nophots Tae Won Noh

Seoul National University

E-mail : twnoh@snu.ac.kr

Optical properties of emergent materials, including high Tc superconductors, colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) manganites, and other transition metal oxides Metal-insulator transitions and orbital physics in transition metal oxides. Pulsed laser deposition of oxide films and artificial heterostructures, including ferroelectrics, multiferroics, CMR manganites, spintronic materials, and other magnetic metal oxides.
T.W. Noh Patrycja Patuch

University of Geneva

E-mail :


Dr. Patrysja Paruch's research interests are looking at low-dimensional behavior, interfaces and disorder in ferroelectrics, multiferroics, carbon nanotubes and graphene. Ferroelectric domain walls as a model disorder elastic system. Combining ferroelectric oxide thin films with carbon nanotubes.
Patrycja Roger Proksch

Asylum Research President

E-mail: sales@AsylumResearch.com

Asylum Research are an AFM manufacturer who have been around since 1999. Their latest offerings are the Piezo Force Response Microscope (PFM) and the High Voltage Module for AFM's.
Roger Nava Setter

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

E-mail : nava.setter@epfl.ch

Dr. Naca Setter's current scientific research interests include non linear dielectrics for high frequencies, relaxor ferroelectrics, piezoelectric/ferroelectric thin films and their interface with other materials, and small structures for sensors and actuators and for applications in electronics. Other interests include education at the university and the secondary school levels.
Nava Stephen K. Streiffer

Argonne National Laboratory Center

E-mail : streiffer@anl.gov

Dr. Stephen Streiffer's active research projects focus on utilizing in-situ synchrotron X-ray methods to probe chemical vapor deposition of complex oxides as well as phase transformations and nanoscale size effects in ferroic thin films. He is also currently involved in in-situ synchrotron X-ray studies of the synthesis of InGaN heterostructures as part of an effort to expand the basic understanding of materials for energy-efficient solid state lighting.
Nagarajan Valanoor

University of New South Wales

E-mail : nagarajan@unsw.edu.au

Dr. Nagarajan Valanoor's interests are Ultra-Thin (sub-10 nm) films of polar oxides, Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics, Thin Film Epitaxy Functional,

Scanned Probe Microscopy


Stephen Paul S. Weiss

University of California, Los Angeles

E-mail : psw@cnsi.ucla.edu

Professor Paul Weiss focus on gaining atomic-scale understanding and control of materials properties. He do this by exploring, probing, and manipulating interactions and dynamics at surfaces and interfaces. His group use and extend scanning tunneling microscopy to explore the surface structures, motion, and perturbations due to adsorbed atoms and molecules and due to surface features such as substrate steps and defects.
vagoor Jinsong Zhu

Nanjing University

E-mail : jszhu@nju.edu.cn

vagoor Shining Zhu

Nanjing University

E-mail : zhusn@nju.edu.cn



Important Dates 


Deadline for Abstract Submission:

May 10, 2013



Acceptance Notice Sent:

May 20, 2013



Early Registration Period:

March 1- May 31, 2013



Deadline for Early Registration and hotel reservation:

May 31, 2013



Workshop: July 6-8, 2013

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